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apartment house [building] 〔美國〕公寓,公共住宅。

In the light of changes of construction models of students “ apartment houses , this paper proposes an integrated system for the students apartment house management and students “ ideological education which can coordinate the local governments , the local educational administrations , the university , the housing managers , the rear service departments and the students 本文根據學生公寓建設形式發生的重大變化,提出社會化學生公寓中學生教育管理工作必須建立地方政府、教育行政部門、學校、物業開發管理部門、后勤服務實體、學生等“六位一體”的新模式。

A “ life estate “ ( my right to live in a certain house , for example , until i die ) , is a time segment ; so is a three - year lease of a farm or apartment house “終身地產” (如我住在某間房子直到我死的權利)是一個時間部分,對農場或公寓的三年出租也是時間部分。


In the light of changes of construction models of students “ apartment houses , this paper proposes an integrated system for the students apartment house management and students “ ideological education which can coordinate the local governments , the local educational administrations , the university , the housing managers , the rear service departments and the students 本文根據學生公寓建設形式發生的重大變化,提出社會化學生公寓中學生教育管理工作必須建立地方政府、教育行政部門、學校、物業開發管理部門、后勤服務實體、學生等“六位一體”的新模式。

90 workrooms outstanding person crowd having certain social position specifically for compound , be ready to risk selfs life including the row , the pair , only top grade apartment house 350 all meter of the above city midairs villa 12 top grade ridgepole villa and successful personage and every man of note of industry , leader personage etc 90工作室針對高檔公寓350平米以上的城市空中別墅12高檔復式、連排、雙拼、獨棟別墅和成功人士及各行業的知名人士,領袖人物等有一定社會地位的精英人群

Idle away one ' s time with a mere snap of the fingers , the mindong persons uncounted experience and toughening passes , having had the family essence fitting up , top grade apartment house , guesthouse , meal drink , entertainment , office building , top grade villa completely and of all kinds handle official business the space synthesis carries on an ability , and repeatedly obtains the laurel of all kinds in actual design construction 彈指一揮間,歲月蹉跎,閩東人經過無數的歷練,現已完全具有了家庭精裝修、高檔公寓、賓館、餐飲、娛樂、辦公樓、高檔別墅和各類辦公空間的綜合承接能力,并在實際的設計施工中屢獲各類殊榮。

It is a cost effective solution for voip trunk gateway as well as high quality , reliable and full functions to meet customer requirements . the idac system a premise - based pop provides cost - effective high - performance access to clients in concentrated locations such as office buildings , apartment houses and hotels 提供了高品質的voip網關功能,其符合itut h . 323 v3標準,并提供了web遠程管理snmp網管及cdr等功能,為一完整且高穩定度之局用界接設備。

One night , a homeless man sleeps in the foyer of her apartment house ; she gives him a hot meal , then a place on the floor to sleep by her radiator , then she offers herself 阿努克格林伯格是一位熱愛工作的法國妓女,不但自己樂此不疲,還游說路過的良家婦女孩子客串接客,而對方竟然也答應了。

On one hot summer night , the residents of a hungarian apartment house slated for demolition restlessly revisit their haunted pasts as they face an uncertain future 在一個悶熱的夏夜,匈牙利的一座公寓住宅面臨拆遷,居民們一面回憶著過去一面要面對未知的將來。

A “ life estate “ ( my right to live in a certain house , for example , until i die ) , is a time segment ; so is a three - year lease of a farm or apartment house “終身地產” (如我住在某間房子直到我死的權利)是一個時間部分,對農場或公寓的三年出租也是時間部分。

Abstract : this article analyses problems and corresponding resolutions in high - rise apartment house , and provides some useful suggestion 文摘:本文通過對某高層住宅的設計,分析了在高層住宅建筑設計中存在的有關問題和相應的解決方法,提出了一些有益的建議。

There were so many changes here - - great new apartment houses with lawns and trees around them ; hideous old eyesores removed 這里的變遷非常大- -許多新建的公寓大樓,周圍有草地和樹木,丑陋的舊建筑拆了。

On campus , furnished apartment housing available . lovely , safe campus near downtown , on metro line 語言部提供學生附家俱的公寓住宿,校園環境安全,接近市中心及地鐵線,交通便捷。

The project is a multifunctional architecture , consisting of office buildings , apartment houses , market , basement , etc 該項目為多功能建筑,由寫字樓、公寓、商場、地下室等組成。

In most large cities around the world , tall apartment houses have taken the place of one - and two - family houses 世界上許多大城市里的獨門獨戶的房子已被高大的公寓所取代。

Star - rated hotel , economy hotel , apartment house and also we good at housekeeping service and management , etc 星級酒店、經濟型酒店、各類物業、公寓式酒店、家政管理等等。

They are going to build an apartment house here next year . it is going to be built beside the office building 他們明年在這里要修建一座住宅樓,就修在辦公樓旁邊。

Plenty of lawns and apartment houses will be built along both the banks of the newly - renovated funan river 成都新改建的府南河兩岸將修建許多草坪和居民大樓。

A black car moved out from the driveway beyond the apartment house and followed her husband 一輛黑色的小車從公寓樓外的車道開了出來,尾隨著她丈夫。

They were tearing down that old building in order to build a new apartment house there 他們在把那座舊樓拆掉,好在這里蓋一座新的住宅樓。